Speak Yeezy ( Easy)

Just saying…..
2 min readJul 24, 2020
Pinocchio Story — Art by VB Graphics

kanye west know for his strength,his music, his creativity, his arts, his fashion and well for some…. The fact that he is married to a beautiful women highly flavored by many. so, what does he have to do with my writing today? oh… only MY ENTIRE TOPIC! Now, i know it may not be the best to use someone’s hardships but sometimes those hardships can be relatable to others and can shed light on bigger issues. Watching him publicly go from point to point in an emotional state with absolutely no control, made a little “ light bulb” go off. personally, i am a visual learner. sometimes, i can grasp things with an ease and sometimes i have to see it to believe it. And i thought, well.. HERE IT IS! A visual for everyone to see the importance of becoming educated on mental illnesses for the sake of a better understanding. Here we have this man whom we believe may“ have it all “ but, not his sanity. Living with an mental illness affects individuals, individually. His display of how it affects him, was something i personally believe was needed. I read on twitter someone saying that “ kanye is using his mental illness as an excuse to act ignorant.” and, hey, i would like to say, that’s ignorant and exactly why it is so important for us to educate ourselves on mental disorders so we can help make a difference. The life you could be saving next could be your own, your family, a friend.



Just saying…..

they say sometimes we speak and it may not make sense to some but to the right person, it will.